Tag: 90sClassic

  • Monday Money: The Lotus Elise S1

    Monday Money: The Lotus Elise S1

    When the Lotus Elan ended production in 1995 the company was facing a rather unique issue: they didn’t have a single car in their lineup that fit their founder, Colin Chapman’s philosophy, ‘simplify, then add lightness’. Sure, there was the 1300kg Esprit, but compared to the Elan’s curb-weight of 997kg, it was a bit of…

  • Monday Money: The C36 AMG

    Monday Money: The C36 AMG

    It was the nineties and Mercedes was growing a little tired of watching BMW dominate the small sports sedan market with their M3, and as 1995 approached, the lederhosen in Merc HQ were beginning to get so bunched up that they were at risk of breaking. If only there was someone who had experience making…

  • Monday Money: The Z3 M Coupe

    Monday Money: The Z3 M Coupe

    1998 saw the introduction of the Z3 M Coupe; also known as the bread van, the clown shoe, or my personal favourite, the smurf hearse. It started life as an engineering study to work more structural rigidity into BMW’s Z3 M, but today it has been elevated beyond a mere mechanic’s experiment and has earned…

  • Monday Money – 90’s Bad Boy

    Monday Money – 90’s Bad Boy

    She had quite big shoes to fill coming in to replace the legendary M3 e30… It wasn’t an easy task, but many BMW fanboys (myself included) would agree that the e36 managed it rather well. Though in all honesty, the e36 is probably my least favourite 3 series generation but I have to admit that…