Tag: British

  • Monday Money: The Lotus Elise S1

    Monday Money: The Lotus Elise S1

    When the Lotus Elan ended production in 1995 the company was facing a rather unique issue: they didn’t have a single car in their lineup that fit their founder, Colin Chapman’s philosophy, ‘simplify, then add lightness’. Sure, there was the 1300kg Esprit, but compared to the Elan’s curb-weight of 997kg, it was a bit of…

  • Bloody Heroes: Stirling Moss Part 1

    Bloody Heroes: Stirling Moss Part 1

    If you have even the faintest interest in cars or motorsport you will have heard of Stirling Moss; of the 529 races he entered during his racing career, he won almost half, with 212 victories between 1948 and 1962. Often described as “the greatest driver never to win the World Championship”, he won 16 Formula…

  • Perfectly Ridiculous: The Lagonda

    Perfectly Ridiculous: The Lagonda

    Retrofuturism is defined as ‘the use of a style or aesthetic considered futuristic in an earlier era’. The wedge-shaped Lagonda, festooned with touch-sensitive buttons and CRT screens instead of speedometers, perfectly fits this description. The two tonne, 5.2-metre long behemoth was, in many ways, ridiculous when it was released in 1976, but in others, it…